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At a Glance

Promoter: The Crown Estate

Location: The site is currently green fields to the east of Hemel Hempstead, between Punchbowl Lane to the north, the M1 to the east and A414 to the south.

Total Site Area: 55 hectares (an extension to Marylands Business Park)

Investment Type: Commercial

Asset Class: Mixed use employment

Planning Status: Supported by St Albans District Council and Dacorum Borough Council in their emerging Local Plans. There is a Hemel Garden Communities Spatial Vision and a Memorandum of Understanding between St Albans City and District Council, Dacorum Borough Council, Hertfordshire County Council, Herts IQ and Hertfordshire LEP

Delivery Timescale: 2025 - 2041

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Site Description

The site forms part of the Hemel Garden Communities Programme, which will create attractive, sustainable new neighbourhoods to the north and east of Hemel Hempstead by 2050.

It includes Hertfordshire Innovation Quarter (Herts IQ), at its heart, anchoring the transformation of Hemel Hempstead and the wider area.

A mix of employment uses is planned, linked to the council’s recent evidence base and
vision for Herts IQ to enable 8,000 jobs. Uses include high quality offices, research and development, light industrial and logistics. Ancillary uses will be supported where they meet the needs of businesses. An over-concentration of low employment generating logistics is not anticipated.