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At a Glance

Promoter: Broxbourne Borough Council / Hertfordshire County Council / Sovereign Peveril Brookfield Ltd

Location: North West of Cheshunt, Turnford, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN10 6FE

Total Site Area: 25.5 Hectares

Total Floor Area: 102,087m2 (GIA) approximate

Investment Type: Housing, commercial and leisure

Asset Class: Mixed use (retail/leisure/housing/hotel)

Planning Status: Planning permission has been granted subject to completion of a section 106 agreement and detailed conditions

Delivery Timescale: 2026-2030

GDV: £500m

Site Description

The plans for Brookfield Riverside seek to deliver a mix of civic uses, retail and leisure, including office and residential development within a pedestrianised town centre.

Plans include:

  • Up to 19,000 square metres (Net) of retail comparison floor space;
  • Approximately 3,500 square metres of retail convenience floor space;
  • Up to 10,000 square metres of leisure floor space;
  • 12,500 square metres of local office floor space;
  • Approximately 250 new homes (40% affordable);
  • Elderly people’s accommodation;
  • Car parking to meet the needs of the development;
  • Easy pedestrian connectivity to the existing Brookfield Centre, Brookfield Retail Park and proposed Brookfield Garden Village;
  • Current proposals include a new public square alongside civic buildings, a library and health centre.

The Brookfield area will be a comprehensively planned garden suburb that will encompass a retail, civic and leisure centre for the Borough of Broxbourne and Brookfield Garden Village. Brookfield will be home to around 5,000 people.