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5 properties showing

Sunset Studios

Location: Waltham Cross - Broxbourne

Status: Planning Granted

Total Site Area: c. 37 hectares

Total Floor Area: 100,000 sq. m of floor space

Land to the west of Waltham Cross is being developed by Blackstone Real Estate and Hudson Pacific Properties for a new film, television and digital production centre.  Planning has been granted for this development which is expected to begi... Read more

Brookfield Garden Village

Location: Cheshunt - Broxbourne

Status: Planning Granted

Total Site Area: 138 hectares

Total Floor Area: 1,250 residential units

Value of site if on the market: To be established via market tendering

A new place for 21st century living in the heart of Broxbourne.  Brookfield Garden Village will be developed as a sustainable and integrated living space, using exceptional standards of design, whilst retaining the landscape, ecology and historic environm... Read more

Brookfield Riverside

Location: Broxbourne - Broxbourne

Status: Planning Granted

Total Site Area: 25.5 Hectares

Total Floor Area: 102,087m2 (GIA) approximate

The plans for Brookfield Riverside seek to deliver a mix of civic uses, retail and leisure, including office and residential development within a pedestrianised town centre. Plans include: Up to 19,000 square metres (Net) of retail comparison f... Read more

Theobalds Business Park

Location: Waltham Cross - Broxbourne

Status: Various

Total Site Area: 47 acres

Total Floor Area: 1,250 residential units of which approximately 1,200 will be available

Value of site if on the market: c. 8,000 sq. m of B8 space to be developed with ancillary offices

Theobalds Business Park is the perfect space for new innovative high-tech start up companies and is where Google’s new £800 million data centre, now under construction, is located. The site will provide high quality premises for a range of users... Read more

Waltham Cross

Location: Waltham Cross - Broxbourne

Status: Allocated

Waltham Cross is a diverse and vibrant town on the border of London. It has benefited from a £16 million programme of improvements, supported by the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. An important employment centre with excellent transport lin... Read more